Welcome to English Exam Ninja!
Where we make practicing for English Exams easy!
First decide what you want to do…Then click on the link!
Our site contains tons of free useful exercise to help you with your English exam study needs.
You will find practice materials on Reading, Listening, Grammar Vocabulary and tons more. Our aim is to help you ace any English Exam.
You will find practice exercise and information for the: IELTS, Aptis, TOEFL, TOIEC. Cambridge: KET,PET,FCE,CAE,CPE.
All of our practice materials and exercises are geared toward meeting the criteria of CEFR. With the aim of improving your current skills.
English Exam Ninjas
English Exam Ninjas are a group of highly trained master Exam assassins. We are always committed to succeeding no matter the odds. Focused on enhancing our skills and stopping evil exams from ruling the world.
Running the Ninja English Exam school of the east, we offer our knowledge to anyone seeking out the ancient knowledge of English Exam stealth and mastery. If you are willing to join in the fight.
Learn more about how Ninja’s learn
Now it’s time to hone your skills.
Click on a skill to begin mastering.
Listening Reading
Writing Speaking
Vocabulary Grammar
We are here to take the fear out of English Exams.
How? By turning you into an English Exam Ninja!
Because Ninjas deal with FEAR by giving it to others(Exams)
englishexamninja.com is dedicated to helping you pass any and all English exams.