Aptis Listening

Welcome to the Aptis listening Dojo.


Want to be prepared for the Aptis English Exam Listening Component?

Look below for links to practice activities and useful materials.

Part 1:

involves listening for the spelling of names or the identification of numbers. Listen carefully and take notes.

English Exam Ninja APTIS Listening

Part 2:

Asks you to listen carefully for answers which are stated directly. Focus on Where, When, How, Why, Who to get closer to the answer.

English Exam Ninja APTIS Listening

Part 3:

You’ll need to understand ideas that are not directly stated. You’ll also need to understand the context and situation,  and narrow down the options to find the correct answer
English Exam Ninja APTIS Listening

For more English listening practice click the button below

English listening practice - APTIS page to skills

If you have mastered the listening section then you can move on to APTIS speaking!


If you would like to increase your APTIS score by practicing more APTIS tests then please check the exam library on our website here. There you will find the largest simulated APTIS test database. Totally free with no registration (we won’t even ask for your email).





The materials here were created by English Exam Ninja. While every effort has been made to simulate the real British Council Aptis exam accurately, please remember that these are practice materials.  Remember that before taking the Aptis exam or any other standardized examination you visit the official examination website for  full details and latest information.